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Mental Health &

As more organizations expand their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) goals, they fall prey to one-size-fits-all programs, mass-marketed and delivered without the insight of lived experience. While satisfying organizational intentions, the reality is their impact remains detrimental for those living with diagnoses. Money and intentions are wasted while outcomes remain unchanged.

Systems, Service & Supports

I have worked directly with medical, therapeutic, and front-line professionals to increase access to, and expand services, supports, and resources for those currently experiencing challenges associated with mental health and neurodivergence* diagnoses.

I understand the systemic gaps and funding challenges governments face, and the research and evidence-based practices current systems are built upon. I understand what needs to change and which leading-edge approaches increase accessibility, efficacy, and outcomes when properly implemented.

I provide workshops and facilitation to successfully strengthen workplace culture for clients investing in team and leadership mental health and well-being. 

I empower their teams’ mental health and neurodivergent well-being, enriching their workplace culture and organizational mission through peer perspective trauma-informed workshops.

Whether their teams need in-person on-site workshops, or online webinars for nationally and internationally deployed team members, I provide my clients with the individual and organizational resources and tools they need to succeed.

They appreciate the support and continuity I provide with workshop workbooks specifically designed to support organizational documentation, as well as resource, and policy guides for HR and leadership.

Lived Experience

Not only do I possess an insider’s perspective from my time as Health Minister, but I also have a lifetime of firsthand experience. I live with Complex PTSD, anxiety, depression, and twice survived suicidality. I have experienced stigma and the challenges of accessing timely appropriate care and support.

I am also one of the millions of people in the past decade who have received late neurodivergence diagnoses, after years of being misunderstood and unsupported. My late VAST diagnosis came alongside my son’s overdue multiple neurodivergence diagnoses. Despite ongoing academic struggles and related anxiety, he was continually dismissed. I struggled for a decade to get him diagnosed and supported.

I see the system from both sides and am keenly aware of stigmatizing perspectives that continue to permeate society. I see our assets alongside our challenges and know how much of the disability we experience is a direct result of systems and societal stigma, not how our brains are wired.

Inclusive Advantage

With multiple insider perspectives to review, revise, and revive my clients’ procedures, policies, performance practices, and Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), I provide them with streamlined, evidence-based solutions that sustainably transform hearts, minds, and bottom lines.

In creating and fostering truly mentally healthy and neuroinclusive environments, my clients have the advantage of peer support and trauma-informed education, training, resources and programming, designed with lived expertise.

They are empowered to effectively and authentically achieve diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) goals by ensuring positive impact and improved outcomes for the individuals, families, teams, and organizations involved.

To ensure comprehensive and cohesive integration and results, I extend this support through exclusive leadership development and executive mentoring.

My passion for mental health and well-being led me to address long-standing gaps in effective and engaging education, training, and self-management resources with the creation of two signature mental health and neurodiversity programs.

My desire to educate and empower others led me to create two accessible and empowering pop-culture-based mental health programs under my Speak Up brand. Embrace Your Superpowers and Bulletproof To Stigma are delivered internationally to educational, medical, corporate, and international audiences across diverse media platforms, including conference keynotes, workshops, peer-reviewed publications, media interviews, and online courses.

* Neurodivergence diagnoses are more commonly and stigmatizing, referred to as learning disabilities.

Variable Attention Stimulus Trait (VAST) is the more recent and accurate diagnostic term for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It was coined by Drs. Hallowell and Riley in 2018. Dr. Hallowell lives with VAST.